Saturday, January 16, 2010

Book Review

I read this book over the holidays. It was written by a woman that place a baby over 20 years ago and the pain that she experienced due to that decision. I did not enjoy it much because it seemed that there was more pain and now growth/learning.

I realize that not every person grows through adoption. I also know that things have changed greatly over the last 20 years. I hope that the change brings healing to pain.

I also read Because I Loved You. I loved this book. The author placed over 20 years ago. She was in h er 20's when she discovered she was pregnant. The chapters switch from "her story" to "what to do is you find yourself pregnant". She doesn't advocate that everyone choose adoption as she did, she just makes suggestions on how to get through the process. She even shares how she met her son when he was 12 years old.

I am currently reading this one. This woman placed many years ago and still struggles. This book explains her struggle as an adult--dealing with her decision and hoping to meet the child she placed.

This book was recommended to my by Tara. It is an EXCELLENT book to deal with any type of grief issues.

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